Name: naip2022
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Service Item Id: c6ecaf9c3c8f4f6c9f7519bb3f69b450
Copyright Text:
Default Visibility: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Supports Statistics: true
Has Labels: false
Can Modify Layer: true
Can Scale Symbols: false
Use Standardized Queries: true
Supports Datum Transformation: true
XMin: -1.18768300254E7
YMin: 2975510.219999999
XMax: -1.04079839943E7
YMax: 4378971.543799996
Spatial Reference: 102100
Drawing Info:
Simple Renderer:
Symbol: Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [255, 199, 9, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [236, 130, 89, 255]
Width: 0
Label: N/A
Description: N/A
Transparency: 0
Labeling Info:
Advanced Query Capabilities:
Supports Statistics: true
Supports OrderBy: true
Supports Distinct: true
Supports Pagination: true
Supports TrueCurve: true
Supports Returning Query Extent: true
Supports Query With Distance: true
Supports Sql Expression: true
Supports Query With ResultType: false
Supports Returning Geometry Centroid: false
Supports Binning LOD: false
Supports Query With LOD Spatial Reference: false
Supports Percentile Statistics: true
Supports Having Clause: true
Supports Count Distinct: true
Supports Time Relation: true
Supports Sql Format: false
Supports Query Analytic: false
Supports Query With Current User: true
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Time Info:
Start Time Field: FlDate
End Time Field: null
Track ID Field: null
Time Extent:
[2022/05/07 06:00:00 UTC, 2022/09/29 06:00:00 UTC]
Time Reference:
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (Mexico)
Respects Daylight Saving: false
Time Interval: 10
Time Interval Units: esriTimeUnitsUnknown
Has Live Data: false
Export Options:
Use Time: true
Time Data Cumulative: false
Time Offset: null (null)
Has Attachments: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Type ID Field: null
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NAME, length: 39
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: FlightDate, length: 8
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
Return Updates